Our College has the following lab instruments , charts, practical performed

Sr. NoChart Available
1Periodic Table.
2Magnets, Types of Magnets.
3Motion, Types of Motion.
4Parts of Human Body.
5Animal Cell Structure.
6Plant Cell Structure.
7Parts of Flowers.
8Characteristics of Magnetism.
Sr. NoList of Experiments Performed.
1Laws of Magnetism.
2Refraction of Light.
3Study of electro Static current.
4Separation of Substances.
5Effect of heat on solid, Liquid and Gas.
Sr. NoList of Experiments Performed.
1Preparation of O2.
2Preparation of CO2
3Detection of acid and base by litmus paper.
5Archimedes Principle.
Sr. NoModels
3Blood Circulation System
Sr. NoInstruments & Apparatus
2Concave and Convex Lenses, Mirror Convex Mirror Concave
3Spring Balance
4Volt Meter, Ammeter
5Beakers, Flasks, Test Tubes Stirrer, pipette, Burette, Glass Rod
6Spirit Lamp, Stand, Tripod, Gauze, test tube holder
7Various Chemical, Acids, Metals and Bases, Litmus paper
8Instrument for electrolysis
9Instrument for light propagate in straight line
10Glass prism , glass slab
11drawing board
12reflection of sound apparatus
13weight box
14magnetic compass
15Filter paper
16Gas jar, measuring cylinder
17condensation set
18Dissection box